Forbes recommend Henry Audio for Hi-Res music. Read the complete new review of the Mk 3!
"Add Hi-Res Music To Your Stereo At An Affordable Price."
Henry Audio
Forbes recommend Henry Audio for Hi-Res music. Read the complete new review of the Mk 3!
"Add Hi-Res Music To Your Stereo At An Affordable Price."
A very good test of the Mk 3 in German! Lite Magazin has written a long and detailed test report
"Das Einhorn unter den D/A-Wandlern"
"überzeugt mit räumlichem und detailliertem Klang"
HiFi Plus calls Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII a bargain! Read the whole test.
"I never thought I’d use the B-word in audio, but this really is a bargain!"
Among all the DACs on the market, high end magazine Mono and Stereo gives their "Best Buy Award" to Henry Audio!
"Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII manages to offer a heck of a lot for the money"
6moons have written a very extensive review and interview. They like it a lot, to say the least:
"Massive dynamic swings presented no challenge and carried on with lusty enthusiasm."
Linux Voice write about Linux and open source. They have tested Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII. 5/5 stars.
"It may seem like a luxury, but if you listen to anything other than MP3 and you’ve got a decent amplifier, it’s definitely worth the investment."
Inearspace have written a comprihensive test of the USB DAC 128 mkII.
"When bass is called upon it was big, powerful too. Not in an overly warm signature strangely enough,
it just had big bass. It was imposing; I knew the Henry had arrived."
HiFi Critic is the most conservative and thorough publication in the industry. I'm very proud they recommend the USB DAC 128 mkII. The best part is that Chris Bryant even used it for a little bit of DIY.
"Conceptually interesting, Henry Audio’s USB DAC 128 mkII is also one of the best USB DACs I’ve tried."
The USB DAC 128 mkII is tested against its predecessor by Dan Worth of Hifi Pig.
"Recommended for - portability, good sound quality with finesse, strong bottom end and ability to explore many genres very well."
Paul Rigby - The Audiophile Man - gives the USB DAC 128 mkII a super-rare "Deeply Groovy" award and 9/10 points.
"It is a groundbreaking design because of a combination of factors. Firstly,
and most importantly, for its sound quality over a number of resolutions and how it compares with my reference."
Jason Kennedy of The Ear has tested the USB DAC 128 mkII against the AudioQuest Dragonfly. Read on for details.
"If sound quality is what you are interested in this converter is more than worthy of your attention. If you are interested in tweaking it’s in a league of its own"
Lyd & Bilde gir 6 stjerner av 6 mulige og full pott til Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII:
"Drømmelyd fra PC-en"
"En rimelig digitalkonverter som virkelig graver gullyden ut av PC-en!"
Norwegian Fidelity magazine gives a top-notch recommendation of Henry Audio!
"Et ekte røverkjøp"
"Lyden her – gjennom Henry Audio – er av meget høy karat."
Dagens Næringsliv er Norges tredje største avis. DN skriver om Henry Audio og utviklingen i norsk HiFi-bransje.
"Det svinger i norsk hi-fi."
Audio in Germany recomends the Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII.
Fidelity in Germany has tested Henry Audio and made close friends with it. (English translation available.)
"Henry rockt! Und Henry hat den Blues! Oh Yeah!"
German net magazine HiFi Statement is very positive to Henry Audio and describe the USB DAC 128 mkII as a Hi-End product.
"Bass und Hochtonauflösung lassen ihn durchaus in vierstelligen Regionen wildern."
Dinside.no har stor sans for USB DAC 128 mkII. 6/6 poeng.
"Saftig og stram bass, masse detaljer, oppløst topp og fjellstøtt stereobilde. Her var det mye å glede seg over og lite å klage på."
TEK.NO har testet Henry Audio i et rimelig oppsett og liker det de hører. 9/10 poeng.
"En knallgod løsning for deg som er misfornøyd med PC-lyden."
Norske Stereo+ har skrevet en flott test om USB DAC 128 mkII. 5/5 stjerner.
"Den opprinnelige usb-dacen til Børge Strand-Bergesen i Henry Audio var en liten perle. Den nye er mye, mye bedre."
En teknisk artikkel om prosjektet som ligger bak Henry Audio. Det er også et bilde fra lab’en og en god forklaring på asynkron USB. Bildet viser et reelt debug-signal fra firmware i DAC’ens prosessor.
M3 Sveriges Prylsajt har testat DAC:en:
"Test: Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII – en dosa som ger dig detaljrikt ljud i hög kvalitet"
Hifi & Musik har gjort ett grupptest av DAC:ar. Om Henry Audio USB DAC 128 mkII säger de:
"En mycket vettig uppgradering för datamusikentusiasten."
A great review in Finland's HiFimaailma, 5 stars of 5 possible! Test results make sense in all languages!
"+Läpinäkyvä ja vaivattoman erotteleva ääni.
+Hyvät mittaustulokset"
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Photography by Dag Dalvang